Another new experience: being the minority. Growing up in
Iowa there wasn’t much diversity. Here, in the Soloy group, I am the only
blonde hair, blue-eyed person…..I was quite a spectacle to the Panamanians the
first day. Despite my inability to speak their language and my “strange”
appearance, the Panamanians have welcomed me with open arms. In the United
States, I’m pretty sure if a strange looking student nurse came at a patient
with foreign words, shaky hands and a needle, most patients would say, “Get her
away from me!” Fortunately, they give me the benefit of the doubt. As a result,
I have learned many new things and have been able to practice skills such as,
administering vaccinations and completing pediatric assessments. I even got to
be present for a child-birth. Speaking of the child birth…lets get into
cultural differences. Pre-delivery, the “pep talk,” if you will, consisted of
the nurse telling the soon-to-be-mother, “It’s going to hurt on your back, your
abdomen, and you’ll feel pressure. There will be no crying. You are not the
first women to have a baby and you will not be the last. This is normal, the
pain is normal. When it comes time to push, you will push and get the baby out.”
A bit harsh by American standards, I’d say. For the birth, no family was
present, no pain meds were given, the baby was not weighed, and the mother did
not hold the baby immediately after. Very different. Other cultural
differences: less documentation, no computers, no sterility, one room hospitals
and clinics, no patient confidentiality, different procedural techniques, etc.,
etc., etc.

I have so much I could go on and on about, but I don’t think
this blog is supposed to be a novel. After only four days I have experienced
and learned so much. I’m eager to see what the next two weeks have in store!
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