Friday, June 15, 2012

The Trip is Coming Close to the End!

Now that I truly understand that general nurses practitioner most often care for one patient at a time, but community health nurses care for entire populations. For instance, Soloy clinic nurses work with entire Comerica Noble Bugle community. They are able to educate community about health issues, improve health and safety, and increase access to care. Panamanians community health care has implemented health education campaigns and disease prevention activities, such as immunizations and screenings. They tell the community they serving about locally available health care programs. They also provide direct health care services to vulnerable and those at risk populations.

Last week, we visited at the hospital (Hospital Materno Infantil, Jose Dmingo De Obaldia) with UNACHI faculties and working with students side by side. We have given a brief tour and have introduced different departments and their staff members. We have divided in to six groups and assigned to three or four departments.  First few hours our group spent emergency triage pregnancy and then moved to labor and delivery. According to UNACHI students state that they deliver three babies per semester as part their curriculum. The students are prepared to handle any primary care may arise from the community they are serving except when things are complicated.

So far I have had a wonderful experience. It has been an interesting trip in Panama. Panamanian gave us warmest welcome to their community. I was with friendly the faculties, students, and the hospital staffs members. I have found it easy to communicate with the faculties, students, and the community in general. I had a great time interacting with the UNACHI students and communicating with mixed Italian, Spanish and English. It was a great experience being at the hospital and I learned a great deal about the differences in culture at the hospital and language barriers between us.  


UNACHI Faculty and  Students

Yesterday we went back to UNACHI and the hospital one more time. We worked with faculties and students in GYN department. We also said with final goodbye with faculties and students. Our Panama trip is coming to close and soon we will back to the states. I am feeling that being in Panama has increased my skills and awareness of different cultures that exist within Panama. I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to be with Comarca Ngobe Bugle community for this trip.  

Muchas gracia!

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